
Tengo tanto sentimiento

Tenemos, quienes vivimos,
una vida que es vivida
y otra vida que es pensada,
y la única en que existimos
es la que está dividida
entre la cierta y la errada.

Fernando Pessoa

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Anónimo dijo...

There but for the Grace

It could have happened.
It had to happen.
It happened sooner. Later.
It happened not to you.
You survived because you were the first.
You survived because you were the last.
Because you were alone. Because of people.
Because you turned left. Because you turned right.
Because rain fell. Because a shadow fell.
Because sunny weather prevailed.
Luckily there was a wood.
Luckily there were no trees.
Luckily there was a rail, a hook, a beam, a brake,
a frame, a bend, a millimeter, a second.
Luckily a straw was floating on the surface.
Thanks to, because, and yet, in spite of.
What would have happened had not a hand, a foot,
by a step, a hairsbreadth,
by sheer coincidence.
So you’re here? Straight for a moment still ajar?
The net ha done eyehole, and you got through it?
There’s no end to my wonder, my silence.
how fast your heart beats in me.

- Wislawa Szymborska

Te dejo una vez más mi poema favorito... Porque la propia vida es ya, la mejor de las coincidencias...
Y para esto las letras... porque aunque digo agua y no beberé... puedo dejarte escrito que TE AMO, para que vuelvas a leerlo (y sentirlo) cada vez que quieras aunque yo no esté... Es un placer ser parte de esta hermosa coincidencia, porque tu presencia le resta errores a mi vida...